Admissions ✯ Abraham Lincoln University - 1865 ✯

ALU programs offer considerable flexibility in duration to accommodate the diverse backgrounds of candidates.
General guidelines are as follows:

Evidence of studies lasting 6-12 months is required.

Evidence of studies lasting 12-24 months, depending on the candidate’s background.

Typically requires 24-48 months to complete. Graduates receive a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Science (B.Sc.), Engineering (B.Eng.), or Education (B.Ed.), depending on the chosen field. Degrees require completion of 360 credits, with both core and optional modules.

 Requires 15-36 months to complete. Candidates must have:

  • A bachelor’s degree in any discipline (or equivalent).
  • At least two years of managerial work experience.
  • A detailed personal statement explaining their application, skills, experiences, and achievements.

The Ph.D. program is designed to be completed within 24 to 36 months. Candidates who hold a master’s degree and wish to extend the research carried out during their master’s program may complete the degree in less time. However, the research must result in an original contribution to knowledge.

Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Applicants are normally required to hold a master’s degree.
  • Applicants must submit a research proposal.
  • Payment of an application fee and a good faith deposit is required.

The Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) degree signifies that the recipient is a highly knowledgeable authority in their discipline. This postdoctoral degree is awarded in the humanities and requires evidence of significant published work. Only individuals who meet the following criteria may apply:

Eligibility and Requirements:

  • The applicant must hold an earned doctorate or fellowship from a reputable professional body.
  • The applicant must have published works to their credit, which will be assessed by a peer panel.
  • A prescribed submission on the subject of management consulting is required to meet the degree validation and accreditation criteria.

The Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree is the equivalent of the Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) in the sciences. Similar eligibility criteria and requirements apply.

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a terminal degree equivalent to the Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) but specifically focuses on management studies. Similar eligibility criteria and conditions apply

Online Application for Admissions!

Guide for Preparing Proposal

You will be required to submit your research proposal on the chosen topic. As a guide, the proposal should not exceed three pages typed with one-and-half spacing on A4-sized paper. Your doctoral research proposal might usefully be organized into nine sections as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Statement of the problem
  • Purpose, objectives and rationale of the study
  • Significance of the study (including a mention of those who will benefit) Previous research and developments in this field of study
  • Research methods or procedures (that you intend to use, i.e. library research, empirical research, etc including a brief mention of the intended research instruments)
  • Tentative hypotheses (tentatively, what will the study, try to show, or prove)
  • Expected findings (if possible)
  • Tentative conclusions and implications

If the proposal is considered satisfactory and you have been accepted on the programme, you will be assigned an academic adviser who will assist you actively throughout the duration of the programme. He will also assign an appropriate supervisor to you when you have submitted an outline for your proposed area of study. The programme will be offered by the distance learning method. The Ph.D thesis should not be less than 80,000 words. Seminar presentations and attendance at relevant conferences will be encouraged during the programme. We will go through your background and career pattern, and suggest other courses you should undertake. The next step you will be required to take is to register and matriculate by paying your tuition in line with your preferred option. You will then proceed to prepare your Learning Agreement.


Program Details:

  1. The program will be delivered via distance learning.
  2. The Ph.D. thesis should be at least 80,000 words.
  3. Seminar presentations and attendance at relevant conferences are encouraged during the program.
  4. The university will review the candidate’s background and career history to suggest additional courses that may be beneficial.

Registration and Matriculation

Once accepted, candidates must register and matriculate by paying the tuition fee according to their preferred payment plan. They will then proceed to prepare their Learning Agreement.

Concurrent Registration

Candidates may be permitted to enroll concurrently for the Bachelor and Master, or for the Master and Doctorate if, in the opinion of the admissions committee, such enrollment will serve the needs of candidates and their sponsors. Candidates will be required to complete the work on the lower degree before crossing over to the next higher degree. While this may be done, the university ensures that, at all times, the course work requirements and the standard of the degree are not to be compromised.


  1. The admissions committee must determine that such enrollment serves the candidate’s needs and those of their sponsors.
  2. Candidates must complete the lower degree before proceeding to the higher degree.
  3. The university ensures that coursework requirements and degree standards are not compromised.

Degree Level Offered

Abraham Lincoln University - 1865

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